

casa Orizzonte | Just finished!

casa 2C

Restructuring and restyling of an existing building

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Work in progress...

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casa Meti 4

New house in Noto (Siracusa/Sicilia)

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casa Meti 7

Concept for new house in Noto (Siracusa/Sicilia)

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casa Meti 8

Concept for new house in Noto (Siracusa/Sicilia)

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NOTO relais

Concept for new relais in Noto (Siracusa/Sicilia)

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casa Meti 9


casa meti 9 | work in progress...

casa V0399

Restructuring and restyling of an existing house

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casa GnB01

Project for an exclusive new home for sale

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casa Meti 3

New house in Noto (Siracusa/Sicilia)

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casa Meti 5 dependance

Work in progress...

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casa M/uno

Work in progress...

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casa GnB02

Project for an exclusive new home for sale

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casa E

Restructuring and restyling of an existing building



via Rocco Pirri n.9

Noto (SR) - 96017



tel.   +39 0931 836309

cell. +39 328 3478134

     +39 329 6616517

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